The Federation of Awarding Bodies is proud to announce the launch of the reimagined Awarding & Assessment Academy as the United Kingdom’s only professional association for those engaged in awarding and assessment, such as those involved in the delivery of higher education, vocational training, and apprenticeships.
Approximately 20,000 professionals, freelancers, and consultants will gain access to resources like continuing professional development courses created by industry experts and aligned with a competency-based employment standard. From now on, those joining the Academy will be able to reach even higher standards of excellence, impact and performance.
Our mission is to ensure that every person can enjoy a AAA* level of success in their chosen field. To achieve our long-term goals of diversity and inclusion, it is essential that we attract the best and brightest to work in the sector, and the careers map will help us do just that.
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Karen Daws, Executive Director of the Federation of Awarding Bodies (FAB) and Director of the Academy (AAA) said:
A new and improved Awarding and Assessment Academy can be found at, and I couldn’t be happier to announce its release. This is a landmark moment for the industry, where individuals working in the sector are now able to join their professional association through a rigorous application process; to receive recognition of their professional competence and show commitment to their ongoing professional career development.